What is estrogen dominance?
Estrogen dominance refers to a condition where a woman has excess estrogens circulating in her body, without enough progesterone to balance its effects. This hormonal imbalance can develop due to various factors like chronic stress, poor diet, environmental toxins, etc.
Some key things to know:
- Symptoms may include weight gain, fatigue, mood changes, headaches, and irregular periods.
- It often results from an overproduction of estrogens and impaired clearance of them from the body. Activities like drinking alcohol, lack of exercise, and obesity can contribute.
- Testing estrogen and progesterone levels through saliva or blood tests can help diagnose. Getting to the root causes is key.
- Treatment involves lifestyle changes like clean eating, detoxification, stress relief, and targeted nutraceuticals or bioidentical hormones. Rebalancing hormones gently is ideal.
Now a bit about Hormone Harmony Clinic - this fantastic hormone clinic helps women suffering from estrogen dominance through cutting-edge testing and personalized treatment plans. Their expert physicians and nurses take time to uncover the root causes and create holistic protocols to bring your body back into balance.
Services include:
- Sensitive hormone testing to accurately assess estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, etc.
- Nutraceutical treatments like DIM and progesterone creams
- Bioidentical hormones like BiEst and prometrium if needed
- Lifestyle coaching on nutrition, exercise, and stress relief
- Ongoing monitoring and support