Decreased libido - Hormone Harmony Clinic

What is decreased libido?

Decreased libido, or lowered sex drive, occurs when a person experiences a diminished interest in sexual activity. This can negatively impact romantic relationships and a person's quality of life. Common causes include:

Signs of decreased libido include lacking interest in sex, struggling to become aroused, inability to achieve orgasm, no sexual fantasies or urges, and feeling distressed about low sex drive. The symptoms vary based on the underlying cause.

Treatments for addressing decreased libido depend on the cause but often include:

If low libido persists despite lifestyle changes and treating underlying causes, a doctor may recommend hormone medications like flibanserin or bremelanotide to stimulate sexual desire.

Decreased libido should never be dismissed or considered inevitable. Numerous solutions can effectively restore a satisfying sex life. Hormone Harmony Clinic offers customized hormone treatments to target the hormonal imbalances underlying many libido changes. Contact us today for a consultation!

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